If you don't want to purchase traditional gifts such as books, gift cards or sweaters, you can give something useful this Holiday Season. Gifts that will actually be used and enjoyed all year long. Consider the following three gift ideas for wheelchair users this Holiday Season.
Cell Phone Holder
A new cell phone holder is perfect for the person that is always on their cell phone or tablet. These accessories are popular for all users and easy to install. They mount to the wheelchair and provide a secure foundation for your mobile phone.
Wheelchair Saddle Bags
Wheelchair saddle bags attach to the armrests and provide the user with extra storage options. They are available in various colors and fabrics to help personalize the user's wheelchair. Wheelchair saddle bags are great for someone who likes to bring their books, laptop, and other

Baskets are a popular feature for many wheelchair users. Many wheelchair models do not have an option for a basket. Find out first if this is available for the person you are purchasing this gift. Perfect for carrying your belongings, baskets are great for shopping and quick trips to the store.
Electric Lift
Lifts with exterior stowage save interior space and is easy to use with the push of a button. With drive on, drive off platform, these electric lifts designed to accommodate most any type of vehicle.