Compare EWheels Medical EW-M45 to Innuovo 5513A power wheelchairs. Are you having trouble deciding between which of these electric wheelchairs to purchase? We offer a side by side comparison of the EWheels EW-M45 and Innuovo 5513A. Learn more about the main features, key specs, price, and warranty.
Why Choose EWheels Medical EW-M45 Over Innuovo 5513A?
Innuovo 5513A weight capacity only supports 265 lbs compared to EWheels EW-M45 passenger weight support of 400 lbs. EW-M45 is build for durability and can be used outside with 12" rear wheels. Innuovo 5513A comes with small 8" rear wheels for indoor use.
- EWheels Medical EW-M45 - $2,279
- Innuovo 5513A - $2,199
Side By Side Comparison
Compare specifications and features between both power wheelchairs. Check out the side by side comparison table to help you choose the right one for you.
Innuovo 5513A Power Wheelchair
Main Difference
Innuovo 5513A weighs 50 lbs with the batteries and has a weight capacity of 265 lbs. EW-M45 weighs 58 lbs and can support the passenger weight of up to 400 lbs. Innuovo 5513A a less powerful chair compared to the EW-M45. It comes with 8.5" rear wheels for small foot print for indoor use. EW-M45 offers the rugged 12" rear wheels treads for outdoor use. You can also travel further up to 15.50 miles on fuly charged batteries compared to only 6.2 miles with the Innuovo 5513A model.
Key Specs
Some of the key specifications for the Innuovo 5513A:
- Turning Radius: 35.4"
- Top Speed: 3 mph
- Battery Charge Distance: 6.25 miles
- Weight capacity: 265 lbs.
- Weight: 50 lbs.
Innuovo 5513A power wheelchair warranty:
5 year warranty on the device
6 month warranty on the batteries
Our Customers Love EW-M45
Our customers have regained their independence and got their freedom back. Be free and go anywhere. The compact EWheels EW-45 folding lightweight power wheelchair is designed for outdoor adventures and indoor activities.
If you and in the market for the best lightweight folding electric wheelchair, the obvious choice is EWheels Medical EW-M45. Read our EW-M45 review.