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Choosing a power wheelchair

There are several types of power wheelchairs that may fit your needs, lifestyle, and preferences. Before making your electric wheelchair purchase, you will need to determine your physical ability, medical needs, and personal choices.

The size, cost, features as well as how portable it is are essential factors when choosing a power wheelchair.

Choosing your power wheelchair

Some of the other factors to consider when choosing your power wheelchair are:

  • your body height
  • weight
  • mobility level
  • posture, and cognitive ability
  • seat width and depth
  • leg rigging type
  • backrest height
  • armrest height


Before choosing an electric wheelchair, ask yourself if your home will have any obstacles and challenges that could arise from using your new wheelchair. Do you live on one-level? Will you need a wheelchair ramp? Will you be using it on the rocky terrain? 

These are some of the questions you need to answer before make your decision and choosing a power chair.

Consider how you will tackle and solve any challenges when you purchase your new wheelchair and start using it at home.